PAUL Water
PAUL Water
PAUL Water

PAUL is a water filter for the quick supply of potable water either in disaster areas or in rural underdeveloped areas. The device filters pathogens from the water, makes it drinkable and offers effective protection against cholera, typhoid fever and other infectious diseases. PAUL can be transported by only one person as a backpack to remote areas, because it weighs only 20 kg.

PAUL filters at least 1,200 liters of water a day and can supply up to 200 people.

The operation of the filter is simple. Dirty water is filled in at the top, after a few minutes the water can be tapped from the outlet tap. The device works reliably for years without energy consumption, chemicals or additives. It is extremely robust and has no moving parts. As a manual there are simple pictograms, suitable also for illiterate people. With these pictograms anyone can operate the device. Thus, it offers the ideal help for self-help.


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