Drinking Water
Compact Plants
Drinking Water
Compact Plants
Drinking Water
Compact Plants

Container plants for drinking water treatment

– Drinking water gained from rivers and lakes

The ABIONIK container plant for drinking water treat­ment of water from rivers or lakes is a cost-saving compact plant which complies with all inter­national WHO drinking water stan­dards.

The plant is easy to operate, energy efficient. It can be delivered and put into operation at short notice, and contains all rele­vant com­po­nents for drin­king water pro­duction in a compact eco­system. The plant is based on the ABIONIK MBR mem­brane tech­no­logy and is there­fore also suit­able for further waste­water treat­ment, e.g. for the re­moval of phos­phorus or heavy metals.

The following process steps are carried out in the plant for the production of drinking water:

    A coagulant is added to the incoming raw water from open waters. Due to the strong internal flow, flocs are formed from the turbid matter, i.e. micro­particles in the water.
    The water sub­sequently enters the floccu­lation zone. Sedi­menting larger flocs are formed in the course of gentle pro­ces­sing. Specific poly­mers are added and acce­lerate the process.

    The water thus pro­ces­sed flows uniformly through a hydrau­lically tuned inlet distri­butor into the actual MBR filter modules, where inclined lamellae retain the flocs from the water. The clari­fied water is drawn off at the surface by per­forated immer­sion tubes and passed on to the sand filter. The thick­ened sludge is re­moved at regular intervals.
    In a high-perfor­mance gravity sand filter, the remai­ning finer solids are filtered out of the water. This can optio­nally be proces­sed by single-layer or multi-layer filters. The filter resi­dues are drawn off at the bottom of the filter and the used filter ele­ments are cleaned by them­selves by conti­nuous back­washing.
    Liquid or gaseous chlorine, or alter­natively UV light, is used for disin­fection.


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